How about you?
"How about you?" is this social quiz game built on a QuizDuell concert. In the original game players are invited to check their erudition, thus finding out who is "smarter". In the game I designed, players take a quiz about each other, the goal of which is to find out who knows each other better.
Project Info
In early 2020, I wrote my master thesis on the topic “Designing a Social Quiz game with the help of User-Centered design”. There I did a UX research about playing social quiz games, developed a Prototype of the game, based on research, performed a User test, designed the firm style and logo. The game is called “How about you?“.
The Problem
Based on a large number of studies, I found the problem that in today's world teenagers spend more and more time on social networks, which leads to the fact that they don't know each other as individuals. In the course of this work, I have tried to solve this problem in a way that is familiar to this audience - through a mobile application game.
The Users
Based on the research, I found out that the target audience of the application under development is female students aged 17 to 24 years, quite often playing various quizzes.
The Process
To solve this problem I used the following process:
For this project I decided to create 3 personas: Prime Persona, Second Persona and Non-Persona
Prime persona
Second persona
As a result, I developed this prototype.
Onboarding process
Game flow
This work resulted in the development of a Hi-Fi prototype game based on the needs of users. The project is fully ready for development.
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