Cross Engage
CrossEngage is a Customer Data Platform that offers a cloud based solution for cross-channel marketing orchestration.
Project Info
As a part of my Master’s degree at the Beuth University, I took part in a Master’s project hosted by Cross Engage. We were a group of 7 students and we had to divide our responsibilities. I decided to be responsible for UI/UX Design.
Project Scope

Create a mobile app based on backend from CrossEnage using Ionic framework.

The app had to fulfill user stories, such as:

  • View marketing performance totals
  • View a list of finished, ongoing, inactive and scheduled marketing campaigns
  • View info of a selected campaign
The Problem
The problem was that they didn’t have a mobile version for it. To solve this problem, we had to understand the restrictions of the mobile devices and use cases of the system.
The Users
The users are business people aged 20-50 years old, who use current desktop solution of CrossEngage and want to track their campaigns on the way.
Style Direction
To develop this app we’ve got access to CrossEnage marketing management system. I had to adapt the design to make it usable on the mobile screens.

There are the mockups I did for the development team. The main part was to follow style guide of the company.
To develop this app we’ve got access to CrossEnage marketing management system. I had to adapt the design presented on the left screen to make it usable on the mobile screens.
The second important part of the app is a “Campaign” overview. It’s basically a list of campaigns with their current status. We also decided to provide “Detail view” of the campaign with a possibility to set a notification.
Campaign View
Examples of Developed App
In the end the development team Implemented it this way.
  • Good team communication
  • Core functionality
  • Very helpful guys from CrossEngage
Not that successful:
  • Development speed
  • => less features
  • quality of Frontend development
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